National Stationery Week

Our cousins across the pond were celebrating National Pencil Day yesterday …and here in the UK we start this week’s National Stationery Week with today’s Pencil Day (Tomorrow is Notebook Day).


Happy National Stationery Week!


Unfortunately I’m a bit behind with my blog posts [1]You might have spotted Contrapuntalism’s blog post that gives you an idea why. Not that this was unexpected – but it was expected for May, not March.. I hope I’ll be able to write about my parcels from Fudepens, Banditapple and La La Land soon.


1 You might have spotted Contrapuntalism’s blog post that gives you an idea why. Not that this was unexpected – but it was expected for May, not March.

6 thoughts on “National Stationery Week”

  1. Hi memm, long time no see! Looking forward to hearing about the new parcels, especially the Banditapple one!

  2. Hi Claire, nice to read from you again. I hope it will all calm down soon, but at the moment it seems to go the opposite way – after the little one caught MRSA in the hospital. Thanks for the congratulations.

  3. !! Sorry to hear about the MRSA. Hope she/he recovers soon, with blessings from bleistift fans all over the world.

  4. sandy heitz

    is there a site where u can learn how old a a.w faber tin set of pencils are

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