Staedtler at the Oscars
Stephen, of Pencil Talk fame, told me about two movies that are part of the Oscar Nominations 2018 and that feature Staedtler pencils.
And here are the Nominees
Nominated for best pencil in the categories Best Picture, Lead Actor, Supporting Actress, Director, Original Score and Costume Design:
The Staedtler Tradition that made it into Phantom Thread.
Ghoulardi Film Company /
Perfect World Pictures
Nominated for best pencil in the category Best Live Action Short Film:
The Staedtler Noris that made it into The Silent Child.
Well, I certainly know which two movies I’ll be rooting for.
In the Wild
If you like this topic have a look at the Noris in the Wild page that lists Noris sightings in movies and on TV from the 1970s onwards.
Thanks to Stephen for this information.
I have added these to my ever growing list of Staedtler sightings I should make screenshots of, but in this case it might take a while before these movies make it to free to air TV channels, so don’t expect to see them here anytime soon.
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