Staedtler at the Winter Games

Now that the Olympic Games in PyeongChang are slowly coming to an end and the Paralympics will start soon: Staedtler Noris colour pencils arranged in a specific shape you might find familiar. Over many years I have read again and again that the IOC is very protective of their trademarks (Wired had an article called Do not F@%! with the Olympics Logo a few years ago), so I won’t go into more details here what this is supposed to be 😉. I assume that my Welcome, PyongChang blog post didn’t break any rules and this one is hopefully sufficiently vague either, plus I don’t earn any money from the blog, no advertising here etc. so there are no commercial interests on my side if that makes any difference. Not that I expect the IOC to find a tiny blog like mine, but then again: AIs and machine learning can work wonders these days if they are looking for this kind of stuff.

Why such a click-baity title? It fits with the previous blog post title Staedtler at the Oscars and with so many people from all over the world in PyeongChang there’s bound to be a Staedtler pencil somewhere there.

PS: Since we are on the topic of PyeongChang again: Look what I saw in the language building of my University. Aren’t they cute?

Soohorang and Bandabi

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